Perlego Impact Report
Conceived, designed and produced a report combining data and stories to show Perlego’s impact on learners.

Desktop & Mobile Reports
For Perlego Ltd.
THE OPPORTUNITYThe Impact Report showcases Perlego's influence on learners, aligning with its mission to democratize education through a digital library of over a million books and effective learning tools.
Collaborating with publishers, university staff, professors, and students, Perlego ensures high-quality content and continuously enhances the study experience. This report holds Perlego accountable to its audiences, setting clear Impact Goals to measure qualitative and quantitative impact on their priorities.
THE PROCESS & OUTCOMEAs Head of Brand, I led the conception, design, and production of a digital report document in collaboration with an ed-tech expert and leadership advisor.
I crafted three impact goals for learners, educators, and publishers, then collaborated with partners, engineers, designers, and marketing to gather relevant data. The report, akin to an open letter, features a CEO letter, user stories, platform usage data, and provocations in the form of "What if" questions.
Additionally, we created a series of printed postcards with QR codes for key clients, offering a free month of Perlego and one to gift to a learner. The report, designed for mobile-first viewing, was launched internally in a town hall meeting to facilitate engagement and shape quarterly roadmaps.
Laptop stickers were also distributed as reminders of our impact goals on students, educators, and publishers.
Read the mobile version here, and the desktop version here.
THE VISUAL METAPHORConceived on the same graphic proportions as the current Perlego icon system, the Impact Report mark is designed to represent the essence of reporting. It combines the symbol for archival materials (the folder) with the symbol for impact and growth (an upward line).